Web Properties Management Policy


The University has an interest in ensuring that University of Chicago web properties are managed in a secure and professional manner. To address the risks associated with the management of web properties, the University has adopted this Web Properties Management Policy (the “Policy”).

The University of Chicago has a practice of using web properties to communicate, share information, and conduct business. The University of Chicago’s web presence includes, but is not limited to:

  • Institutional websites and web applications, including www.uchicago.edu
  • Websites and web applications involved in e-commerce
  • Schools, centers, institutes, and departmental websites and web applications
  • Individual or project-oriented websites and web applications

All University web properties must adhere to the standards specified in the Web Properties Management Standards.


This policy applies to any unit, division, department, office, institute, center, committee, group, or individual at the University who manages, supports, or contributes to a University Web Property.


Any unit, division, department, office, institute, center, committee, group, or individual at the University that manages a University Web Property should follow the Web Properties Management Standards outlined below. This standard includes four major areas, described in greater detail in the Web Properties Management Standards: security, accessibility, naming requirements, and registration.

  1. Web Properties should follow University standards for security and maintenance
  2. Web Properties should be accessible, in accordance with the Digital Accessibility Policy and standards
  3. Web Properties should follow University standards for the use of University domain names
  4. Web Properties should register their domain names and owners in a central University database


Consequences of Violating the Policy

If a University Web Property is not made compliant with these standards and policies, the web site may lose permission to use a University domain name or may be removed from the network.

A compromised University Web Property may be quarantined by University Information Security (i.e., taken off the network) until the compromise is addressed and Information Security authorizes the University Web Property’s reinstatement. A University Web Property may also be quarantined if security and maintenance requirements are not met and if Information Security deems the University Web Property to put the University at risk.


Responsible University Officer(s): Kevin Boyd
Responsible Office: Information Technology (IT) Services
Effective date: December 1, 2020
Last Updated
: January 4, 2021


University Web Property: Any website or web application delivered through a browser interface that is owned or controlled by the University or operated by or on behalf of the University.


    Questions regarding this Policy may be directed to: 

    IT Risk Program