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IT Services manages access to an array of services provided to faculty, students, staff, and others. When someone leaves the University, their access to many of these services is removed over a period of time. This process is known as account closure.

When a faculty member, other academic appointee, postdoctoral researcher, or staff member no longer holds an “active” affiliation with the University, his or her access to many services operated by IT Services will begin to close.

Graduating students and doctoral students administratively withdrawn at the time limit for their programs retain eligibility for services for a grace period of two quarters after their last quarter in attendance, after which their access to many services will begin to close.

The IT Services account closure system involves an automated series of steps over a 45-day period designed to provide sufficient notification for any account holder who no longer has an active affiliation but who may still be using email, have files stored in centrally provided systems, or be using other services that require their attention before access closes. This process will stop if the individual returns to an active status. A synopsis of the procedure along with additional information, including what to do if a person whose account is closing believes there has been an error, can be found on the account closure page.

The login service operated by IT Services, which enables people to login to services operated by IT Services, is also used by other campus units to login to services they operate. Eligibility for these services is determined by their providers.

Category: Account and Identity
Expiration Date: August 15, 2019
Policy Owner: davel