Redirection of University Domain Names to External Networks Standard

The University of Chicago considers the “” domain space and  others that it owns as its exclusive property and that entities referenced by these name spaces are perceived to be operated with the University’s authority. As such, University domain names, such as those ending with “”, must be associated with network addresses that are part of the University’s network. The use of domain names pointing to external networks requires the approval of the University’s Chief Information Security Officer. An external network is any network not belonging to the University or to the University of Chicago Medical Center (UCMC).  For a description of the current University and UCMC networks see UChicago Identity by IP address.

An application for an externally pointing domain name will be considered if accompanied by a persuasive explanation of how its use is valuable and consistent with the administration of the University or its educational and research mission.

Please open a ticket with ITServices Network Engineering Team.  

Category: Networking – Domain Names, External Networks, IP Address, and Servers
Policy Owner: tbarton