Jabber is a softphone application on your computer and/or mobile device that allows you to make, receive, and manage calls; check your voicemail; and use other voice services using your University phone extension.
Please note: Not all features will be enabled within the University of Chicago Jabber service.
Do not use Jabber to Place Emergency (911 or 9-911) Calls
IT Services does not recommend using Jabber to place emergency calls. The use of Jabber’s softphone feature during an emergency is not supported and is at your own risk.
- The softphone technology may not provide sufficient voice quality or location data for emergency calls.
- Calls may be directed to a local, regional, or national 911 call center that will not have your location information.
- Phone GPS gives emergency responders only an ‘approximate’ address location (within 300 feet of the mobile device) and will not show floor location if you are in a multi-story building or a basement.
When making an emergency phone call from a mobile phone, please remember:
- Tell the 911 operator your name and location information.
- Provide information on the room number, floor, and quadrant of the building you are in to help emergency responders locate you.
How do I get support?
Need help with Jabber? Visit the IT Services Knowledge Base or contact the IT Services Service Desk